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take the flings

  • 1 take the flings

    стать неуправляемым, прийти в плохое расположение духа

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > take the flings

  • 2 take the flings

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > take the flings

  • 3 take the flings

    стать неуправляемым, прийти в плохое расположение духа

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > take the flings

  • 4 take the flings

    стать неуправляемым, прийти в плохое расположение духа

    Англо-русский современный словарь > take the flings

  • 5 fling

    1. сущ.
    1) бросок;
    бросание, швыряние Syn: cast
    1., throw
    2) а) попытка;
    мимолетная неудачная проба или нападение на что-л. to have, take a fling at smth. ≈ попытаться/попробовать что-л. сделать Syn: attempt б) насмешливое замечание, брошенное вскользь;
    колкость, насмешка, издевка to have a fling at smb. ≈ задеть кого-л., пройтись на чей-л. счет Syn: gibe
    1., scoff I
    3) поспешное, неосторожное или произвольное движение, стремительное движение at one flingодним махом, сразу full fling ≈ поспешно или с силой, стремительно, порывистонаст. время употребляется редко), изо всех сил
    4) совершение резких движений тела или отдельных его частей а) танец, в котором совершаются энергичные движения рук и ног Highland fling ≈ шотландская удалая, флинг б) резкое движение, бросок;
    лягание (о лошади) to take the fling, take the flingsстать неуправляемым, прийти в плохое расположение духа в) отсутствие запретов, ограничений (в чьем-л. поведении) ;
    напор, натиск About his ordinary bearing there was a certain fling, a fearless expectation of success, a confidence in his own powers. (Geo. Eliot) ≈ В обычном его поведении наблюдался определенный напор, бесстрашное ожидание успеха, уверенность в собственных силах.
    5) разгул, неограниченное удовлетворение своих порывов, прихотей to have one's fling ≈ перебеситься, отдать дань увлечениям юности to have a last fling ≈ расслабиться в последний раз fling periodпериод увлечений, разгула
    6) а) кусок сетки, который может одновременно изготавливаться на вязальной спице б) стая ткачиков (птиц)
    2. гл.;
    прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. - flung
    1) а) бросаться, кидаться, ринуться (энергично или поспешно двигаться по направлению к объекту или от него;
    стремительно или поспешно идти или бежать) to fling out of a room ≈ выскочить из комнаты to fling oneself into a chairброситься в кресло to fling oneself into the saddleвскочить в седло I flung myself into his arms and wept. ≈ Я бросился в его объятия и заплакал. Syn: dash
    2., rush II
    2. б) бросаться, решительно приниматься( за что-л.) to fling oneself into an undertakingс головой уйти в какое-л. предприятие She had flung all her energies into the rebellion. ≈ Всю свою энергию она кинула в помощь восставшим.
    2) уст. броситься, напасть to fling togetherсцепиться в драке
    3) а) энергично лягаться, брыкаться( о лошади и других животных) б) совершать резкие, неконтролируемые движения (о человеке)
    4) а) бросать, метать, кидать, швырять, запускать to fling a stone at smb. ≈ швырнуть камнем в кого-л. He tore off his jacket, went up to Carter, and flung it in his face. ≈ Он сорвал свою куртку, подошел к Картеру и швырнул ее ему в лицо. We are not prepared to fling harsh words at any who do not at this moment agree with us. ≈ Мы не готовы бросать резкие слова в лицо любому, кто не согласен с нами в данный момент. to fling smth. in smb. 's teeth ≈ бросить кому-л. в лицо (упрек и т. п.) Syn: throw
    2., cast
    2., toss
    2., hurl
    2. б) бросать, выбрасывать, швырятьморе, волнах, ветре и т. п.) в) метать кости
    5) сделать быстрое, стремительное движение (руками и т. п.) to fling one's arms round smb.'s neck ≈ обвить чью-л. шею руками Maidens and youths fling their wild arms in air. ≈ Девушки и юноши энергично размахивали руками в воздухе. to fling openраспахнуть, раскрыть настежь
    6) бросать презрительный взгляд и т. п.
    7) испускать (свет, звук, запах), бросать (свет, тень) The flowers fling their fragrance around. ≈ Цветы распространяют благоухание. the huge beeches that fling their cool shade over the grass ≈ огромные буки, отбрасывающие свою прохладную тень на траву
    8) а) бросать в тюрьму б) бросать, приводить войсковое подразделение во внезапное и быстрое движение;
    бросать войска в атаку на врага
    9) сбрасывать, бросать на землю (напр. в борьбе) ;
    сбрасывать (седока с лошади)
    10) сл. облапошить, обмануть, вытянуть (деньги) ∙ fling about fling aside fling away fling down fling in fling into fling off fling on fling out fling to fling together fling up fling upon бросание, швыряние бросок, швырок - at one * одним ударом, одним махом;
    сразу внезапное резкое или торопливое движение брыкание( лошади) (разговорное) попытка - to have a * at smth. попытаться /попробовать/ что-л. сделать - I am willing to take a * at any job я готов попробовать свои силы на любой работе( разговорное) резкое, насмешливое замечание - to have a * at smb. задеть кого-л., пройтись на чей-л. счет - that's a * at you это камешек в ваш огород( разговорное) разгул;
    веселое житье - to have one's * перебеситься, отдать дань увлечениям юности часто pl (шотландское) дурное настроение, припадок раздражения - to take the *(s) выходить из повиновения;
    приходить в плохое расположение духа (шотландское) резкий отказ;
    отпор флинг, шотландская удалая (пляска;
    тж. Highland *) > (at) full * поспешно, со всех ног;
    изо всех сил;
    со всей энергией > in full * в полном разгаре метать, бросать, швырять - to * a stone at smb. бросить камень в кого-л., запустить камнем в кого-л. - to * a spear метать копье - to * one's hat into the air подбросить шляпу в воздух - she flung her arms round his neck она бросилась ему на шею - to * smth. aside отбрасывать, отвергать, пренебрегать - to * smth. away отбрасывать;
    проматывать( деньги и т. п.) - to * smb. back отбрасывать - to * back the enemy отбросить врага (into) бросить, отправить, послать( куда-л.) - to * three divisions into a battle бросить в бой три дивизии - to * smb. into prison бросить кого-л. в тюрьму ринуться, броситься - to * out of the room броситься вон /выскочить/ из комнаты кинуться, броситься - to * oneself into a chair броситься в кресло - to * oneself into the saddle вскочить в седло - to * oneself whole-heartedly into an undertaking с головой окунуться в дело повалить - to * smb. down сбить кого-л. с ног;
    бросить на пол, на землю и т. п. - to * smth. down свалить что-л.;
    сбросить что-л. (откуда-л.) разбрасывать брыкаться, лягаться (шотландское) танцевать флинг (американизм) (устаревшее) обманывать накидывать, набрасывать (платье и т. п.) - to * a scarf over one's shoulders набросить на плечи шарф - to * one's clothes on быстро /кое-как/ одеться сбросить (седока) бросать (обвинения и т. п.) осыпать( бранью) - to * abuse at smb. осыпать кого-л. бранью испускать, распространять( запах и т. п.) - the flowers * their fragrance all around цветы расточают вокруг аромат сделать что-л. рывком - to * the door open распахнуть дверь - to * the door to захлопнуть дверь > to * in smb.'s teeth бросить упрек кому-л. в лицо, упрекать кого-л. > to * oneself upon smb.'s mercy отдаться на милость кого-л. > to * caution to the winds отбросить всякую осторожность the Highland ~ бурный шотландский танец;
    at one fling одним ударом, сразу;
    to have a fling (at smb.) пройтись на (чей-л.) счет fling бросание, швыряние ~ брыкаться (о животном) ~ веселое времяпрепровождение;
    to have one's fling разг. погулять, перебеситься ~ (flung) кидать(ся), бросать(ся), швырять(ся) ;
    to fling a stone (at smb.) швырнуть камнем (в кого-л.) ;
    to fling out of a room выскочить из комнаты ~ распространять (звук, свет, запах) ;
    the flowers fling their fragrance around цветы распространяют благоухание ~ разг. резкое, насмешливое замечание ~ решительно приниматься (into - за) ;
    to fling oneself into an undertaking с головой уйти в (какое-л.) предприятие;
    fling about разбрасывать ~ сделать быстрое, стремительное движение (руками и т. п.) ;
    to fling one's arms round (smb.'s) neck обвить (чью-л.) шею руками ~ сильное, резкое или торопливое движение ~ (flung) кидать(ся), бросать(ся), швырять(ся) ;
    to fling a stone (at smb.) швырнуть камнем (в кого-л.) ;
    to fling out of a room выскочить из комнаты ~ решительно приниматься (into - за) ;
    to fling oneself into an undertaking с головой уйти в (какое-л.) предприятие;
    fling about разбрасывать to ~ one's arms about яростно жестикулировать;
    fling aside отвергнуть, пренебречь ~ away броситься вон ~ away отбросить ~ away промотать ~ down разрушать ~ down сбрасывать на землю to ~ (smth.) in (smb.'s) teeth бросить (кому-л.) в лицо (упрек и т. п.) ~ off броситься вон ~ off отделаться от;
    to fling off one's pursuers убежать от преследования;
    fling on набрасывать, накидывать ~ off сбрасывать, стряхивать;
    the horse flung his rider off лошадь сбросила седока ~ off отделаться от;
    to fling off one's pursuers убежать от преследования;
    fling on набрасывать, накидывать ~ off отделаться от;
    to fling off one's pursuers убежать от преследования;
    fling on набрасывать, накидывать to ~ one's arms about яростно жестикулировать;
    fling aside отвергнуть, пренебречь ~ сделать быстрое, стремительное движение (руками и т. п.) ;
    to fling one's arms round (smb.'s) neck обвить (чью-л.) шею руками to ~ one's clothes on накинуть платье впопыхах to ~ oneself into the saddle вскочить в седло;
    to fling oneself into a chair броситься в кресло ~ решительно приниматься (into - за) ;
    to fling oneself into an undertaking с головой уйти в (какое-л.) предприятие;
    fling about разбрасывать to ~ oneself into the saddle вскочить в седло;
    to fling oneself into a chair броситься в кресло to ~ open распахнуть, раскрыть настежь ~ out брыкаться (о лошади) ;
    fling to захлопнуть;
    fling up: to fling one's arms up всплеснуть руками ~ out разразиться( бранью и т. п.) ~ (flung) кидать(ся), бросать(ся), швырять(ся) ;
    to fling a stone (at smb.) швырнуть камнем (в кого-л.) ;
    to fling out of a room выскочить из комнаты ~ out брыкаться (о лошади) ;
    fling to захлопнуть;
    fling up: to fling one's arms up всплеснуть руками ~ out брыкаться (о лошади) ;
    fling to захлопнуть;
    fling up: to fling one's arms up всплеснуть руками ~ upon: to ~ oneself upon (smb.'s) mercy отдаться на милость (кого-л.) ;
    to fling up one's heels удирать, сверкать пятками ~ upon: to ~ oneself upon (smb.'s) mercy отдаться на милость (кого-л.) ;
    to fling up one's heels удирать, сверкать пятками ~ распространять (звук, свет, запах) ;
    the flowers fling their fragrance around цветы распространяют благоухание to have a ~ (at smth.) попытаться, попробовать (что-л.), in full fling в полном разгаре the Highland ~ бурный шотландский танец;
    at one fling одним ударом, сразу;
    to have a fling (at smb.) пройтись на (чей-л.) счет ~ веселое времяпрепровождение;
    to have one's fling разг. погулять, перебеситься the Highland ~ бурный шотландский танец;
    at one fling одним ударом, сразу;
    to have a fling (at smb.) пройтись на (чей-л.) счет ~ off сбрасывать, стряхивать;
    the horse flung his rider off лошадь сбросила седока to have a ~ (at smth.) попытаться, попробовать (что-л.), in full fling в полном разгаре ~ out брыкаться (о лошади) ;
    fling to захлопнуть;
    fling up: to fling one's arms up всплеснуть руками ~ upon: to ~ oneself upon (smb.'s) mercy отдаться на милость (кого-л.) ;
    to fling up one's heels удирать, сверкать пятками

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > fling

  • 6 fling

    [flɪŋ] 1. гл.; прош. вр., прич. прош. вр. flung
    а) бросаться, кидаться, ринуться

    I flung myself into his arms and wept. — Я бросилась в его объятия и заплакала.

    dash 2., rush II 2.
    б) бросаться, решительно приниматься (за что-л.)

    to fling oneself into an undertaking — с головой уйти в какое-л. предприятие

    She had flung all her energies into the rebellion. — Со всей своей энергией она бросилась на помощь восставшим.

    2) уст. броситься, напасть
    а) энергично лягаться, брыкаться ( о лошади и других животных)
    б) совершать резкие, неконтролируемые движения ( о человеке)
    а) бросать, метать, кидать, швырять, запускать

    to fling a stone at smb. — швырнуть камнем в кого-л.

    to fling smth. in smb.'s teeth — бросить кому-л. в лицо (упрёк и т. п.)

    He tore off his jacket, went up to Carter, and flung it in his face. — Он сорвал свою куртку, подошёл к Картеру и швырнул её ему в лицо.

    We are not prepared to fling harsh words at any who do not at this moment agree with us. — Мы не готовы бросать резкие слова в лицо любому, кто не согласен с нами в данный момент.

    throw 2., cast 1., toss 2., hurl 2.
    б) бросать, выбрасывать, швырять (о море, волнах, ветре и т. п.)

    to fling one's money about / around — сорить деньгами

    I wish the children would stop flinging their clothes about, but put them away tidily. — Я очень хочу, чтобы дети перестали разбрасывать свои вещи как попало, а аккуратно складывали их на место.

    5) = fling about / around делать быстрое, стремительное движение, размахивать (руками и т. п.)

    to fling one's arms round smb.'s neck — обвить чью-л. шею руками

    Maidens and youths fling their wild arms in air. — Девушки и юноши энергично размахивают руками в воздухе.

    Don't fling your arms and legs about like that, make the proper swimming strokes. — Не колоти руками и ногами по воде, а греби, как полагается.

    to fling open — распахнуть, раскрыть настежь

    а) испускать (свет, звук, запах)

    The flowers fling their fragrance around. — Цветы распространяют благоухание.

    б) бросать (свет, тень)

    There are huge beeches that fling their cool shade over the grass. — Там стоят огромные буки, отбрасывающие свою прохладную тень на траву.

    8) ( fling into) бросать в (тюрьму)

    The criminal was flung into prison as soon as he was found guilty. — Как только преступника признали виновным, его бросили в тюрьму.

    9) бросать, приводить войсковое подразделение во внезапное и быстрое движение; бросать войска в атаку на врага
    10) сбрасывать, бросать на землю ( в борьбе); сбрасывать ( седока с лошади)

    The horse flung his rider off. — Лошадь сбросила седока.

    11) амер.; уст. облапошить, обмануть, вытянуть (деньги)
    12) ( fling into) вставлять в ( разговор)

    I wasn't able to fling a word into the argument the whole time. — За всё это время мне не удалось вставить в спор ни слова.

    She sat silently, flinging the odd word into the conversation from time to time. — Она сидела всё больше молча, время от времени вставляя в разговор редкое словечко.

    13) ( fling into) приводить в (какое-л. состояние)

    Your remarks have flung her into a temper. — Ваши слова разозлили её.

    His speech flung the meeting into confusion. — Его речь привела всех в замешательство.

    - fling away
    - fling down
    - fling in
    - fling off
    - fling on
    - fling out
    - fling together
    - fling up

    to fling oneself upon smb.'s mercy — отдаться на милость кого-л.

    2. сущ.
    1) бросок; бросание, швыряние
    cast 2., throw 1.
    2) разг. попытка; мимолётная неудачная проба или нападение на что-л.

    to have / take a fling at smth. — попытаться, попробовать что-л. сделать

    3) разг. насмешливое замечание, брошенное вскользь; колкость, насмешка, издёвка

    to have a fling at smb. — задеть кого-л., пройтись на чей-л. счёт

    gibe 1., scoff I 1.
    4) поспешное, неосторожное или произвольное движение, стремительное движение

    full flingпоспешно или с силой, стремительно, изо всех сил


    Highland fling — удалой шотландский танец, флинг

    б) резкое движение, бросок; лягание ( о лошади)

    to take the fling, take the flings — стать неуправляемым, прийти в плохое расположение духа

    6) отсутствие запретов, ограничений (в чьём-л. поведении); напор, натиск

    About his ordinary bearing there was a certain fling, a fearless expectation of success, a confidence in his own powers. (G. Eliot) — В обычном его поведении наблюдался определённый напор, бесстрашное ожидание успеха, уверенность в собственных силах.

    7) разгул, неограниченное удовлетворение своих порывов, прихотей

    fling period — период увлечений, разгула

    to have one's fling — перебеситься, отдать дань увлечениям юности

    8) кусок сетки, который может одновременно изготавливаться на вязальной спице

    at one fling — одним махом, сразу

    Англо-русский современный словарь > fling

  • 7 выходить из повиновения

    1) General subject: take the fling, take the flings
    2) Makarov: go out of hand

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > выходить из повиновения

  • 8 приходить в плохое расположение духа

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > приходить в плохое расположение духа

  • 9 Á

    * * *
    a negative suffix to verbs, not;
    era útmakligt, at it is not unmeet that.
    * * *
    á, prep., often used elliptically, or even adverbially, [Goth. ana; Engl. on; Germ. an. In the Scandinavian idioms the liquid n is absorbed. In English the same has been supposed to happen in adverbial phrases, e. g. ‘along, away, abroad, afoot, again, agate, ahead, aloft, alone, askew, aside, astray, awry,’ etc. It is indeed true that the Ormulum in its northern dialect freq. uses o, even in common phrases, such as ‘o boke, o land, o life, o slæpe, o strande, o write, o naht, o loft,’ etc., v. the glossary; and we may compare on foot and afoot, on sleep (Engl. Vers. of Bible) and asleep; A. S. a-butan and on-butan (about); agen and ongean (again, against); on bæc, aback; on life, alive; on middan, amid. But it is more than likely that in the expressions quoted above, as well as in numberless others, as well in old as in modern English, the English a- as well as the o- of the Ormulum and the modern Scottish and north of England o- are in reality remains of this very á pronounced au or ow, which was brought by the Scandinavian settlers into the north of England. In the struggle for supremacy between the English dialects after the Conquest, the Scandinavian form á or a won the day in many cases to the exclusion of the Anglo-Saxon on. Some of these adverbs have representatives only in the Scandinavian tongues, not in Anglo-Saxon; see below, with dat. B. II, C. VII; with acc. C. I. and VI. The prep. á denotes the surface or outside; í and ór the inside; at, til, and frá, nearness measured to or from an object: á thus answers to the Gr. επί; the Lat. in includes á and i together.]
    With dat. and acc.: in the first case with the notion of remaining on a place, answering to Lat. in with abl.; in the last with the notion of motion to the place, = Lat. in with acc.
    A. Loc.
    I. generally on, upon; á gólfi, on the floor, Nj. 2; á hendi, on the hand (of a ring), 48, 225; á palli, 50; á steini, 108; á vegg, 115; á sjá ok á landi, on sea and land. In some instances the distinction between d and i is loose and wavering, but in most cases common sense and usage decide; thus ‘á bók’ merely denotes the letters, the penmanship, ‘í’ the contents of a book; mod. usage, however, prefers ‘í,’ lesa í bók, but stafr á bók. Old writers on the other hand; á bókum Enskum, in English books, Landn. 24, but í Aldafars bók, 23 (in the book De Mensurâ Temporum, by Bede), cp. Grág. i. 76, where á is a false reading instead of at; á bréfi, the contents of a letter: of clothing or arms, mítr á höfði, sverð á hlið, mitre on head, sword on side, Fms. i. 266, viii. 404; hafa lykil á sér, on one’s person, 655 xxvii. 22; möttull á tyglum, a mantle hanging on (i. e. fastened by) laces, Fms. vii. 201: á þingi means to be present at a meeting; í þingi, to abide within a jurisdiction; á himni, á jörðu, on (Engl. in) heaven and earth, e. g. in the Lord’s Prayer, but í helviti, in hell; á Gimli, Edda (of a heavenly abode); á báti, á skipi denote crew and cargo, ‘í’ the timber or materials of which a ship is built, Eg. 385; vera í stafni á skipi, 177: á skógi, to be abroad in a wood (of a hunter, robber, deer); but to be situated (a house), at work (to fell timber), í skógi, 573, Fs. 5, Fms. iii. 122, viii. 31, xi. 1, Glúm. 330, Landn. 173; á mörkinni, Fms. i. 8, but í mörk, of a farm; á firðinum means lying in a firth, of ships or islands (on the surface of the water), þær eyjar liggja á Breiðafirði, Ld. 36; but í firði, living in a district named Firth; á landi, Nj. 98, Fms. xi. 386.
    II. á is commonly used in connection with the pr. names or countries terminating in ‘land,’ Engl. in, á Englandi, Írlandi, Skotlandi, Bretlandi, Saxlandi, Vindlandi, Vínlandi, Grænalandi, Íslandi, Hálogalandi, Rogalandi, Jótlandi, Frakklandi, Hjaltlandi, Jamtalandi, Hvítramannalandi, Norðrlöndum, etc., vide Landn. and the index to Fms. xii. In old writers í is here very rare, in modern authors more frequent; taste and the context in many instances decide. An Icelander would now say, speaking of the queen or king, ‘á Englandi,’ ruling over, but to live ‘í Englandi,’ or ‘á Englandi;’ the rule in the last case not being quite fixed.
    2. in connection with other names of countries: á Mæri, Vörs, Ögðum, Fjölum, all districts of Norway, v. Landn.; á Mýrum (in Icel.), á Finnmörk, Landn., á Fjóni (a Danish island); but í Danmörk, Svíþjóð (á Svíþjóðu is poët., Gs. 13).
    3. before Icel. farms denoting open and elevated slopes and spaces (not too high, because then ‘at’ must be used), such as ‘staðr, völlr, ból, hjalli, bakki, heimr, eyri,’ etc.; á Veggjum, Landn. 69; á Hólmlátri, id.: those ending in ‘-staðr,’ á Geirmundarstöðum, Þórisstöðum, Jarðlangsstöðum…, Landn.: ‘-völlr,’ á Möðruvöllum: á Fitjum (the farm) í Storð (the island), í Fenhring (the island) á Aski (the farm), Landn., Eg.: ‘-nes’ sometimes takes á, sometimes í (in mod. usage always ‘í’), á Nesi, Eb. 14, or í Krossnesi, 30; in the last case the notion of island, νησος, prevails: so also, ‘fjörðr,’ as, þeir börðust á Vigrafirði (of a fight o n the ice), Landn. 101, but orusta í Hafrsfirði, 122: with ‘-bær,’ á is used in the sense of a farm or estate, hón sa á e-m bæ mikit hús ok fagrt, Edda 22; ‘í bæ’ means within doors, of the buildings: with ‘Bær’ as pr. name Landn. uses ‘í,’ 71, 160, 257, 309, 332.
    4. denoting on or just above; of the sun, when the time is fixed by regarding the sun in connection with points in the horizon, a standing phrase in Icel.; sól á gjáhamri, when the sun is on the crag of the Rift, Grág. i. 26, cp. Glúm. 387; so, brú á á, a bridge on a river, Fms. viii. 179, Hrafn. 20; taka hús á e-m, to surprise one, to take the house over his head, Fms. i. 11.
    III. á is sometimes used in old writers where we should now expect an acc., esp. in the phrase, leggja sverði (or the like) á e-m, or á e-m miðjum, to stab, Eg. 216, Gísl. 106, Band. 14; þá stakk Starkaðr sprotanum á konungi, then Starkad stabbed the king with the wand, Fas. iii. 34; bíta á kampi (vör), to bite the lips, as a token of pain or emotion, Nj. 209, 68; taka á e-u, to touch a thing, lay hold of it, v. taka; fá á e-u, id. (poët.); leggja hendr á (better at) síðum, in wrestling, Fms. x. 331; koma á úvart á e-m, to come on one unawares, ix. 407 (rare).
    B. TEMP. of a particular point or period of time, at, on, in:
    I. gener. denoting during, in the course of; á nótt, degi, nætrþeli …, Bs. i. 139; or spec. adding a pron. or an adject., á næsta sumri, the next summer; á því ári, þingi, misseri, hausti, vári, sumri …, during, in that year …, Bs. i. 679, etc.; á þrem sumrum, in the course of three summers, Grág. i. 218; á þrem várum, Fms. ii. 114; á hálfs mánaðar fresti, within half a month’s delay, Nj. 99; á tvítugs, sextugs … aldri, á barns, gamals aldri, etc., at the age of …, v. aldr: á dögum e-s, in the days of, in his reign or time, Landn. 24, Hrafn. 3, Fms. ix. 229.
    II. used of a fixed recurrent period or season; á várum, sumrum, haustum, vetrum, á kveldum, every spring, summer …, in the evenings, Eg. 711, Fms. i. 23, 25, vi. 394, Landn. 292: with the numeral adverbs, cp. Lat. ter in anno, um sinn á mánuði, ári, once a month, once a year, where the Engl. a is not the article but the preposition, Grág. i. 89.
    III. of duration; á degi, during a whole day, Fms. v. 48; á sjau nóttum, Bárð. 166; á því meli, during that time, in the meantime, Grág. i. 259.
    IV. connected with the seasons (á vetri, sumri, vári, hausti), ‘á’ denotes the next preceding season, the last winter, summer, autumn, Eb. 40, 238, Ld. 206: in such instances ‘á’ denotes the past, ‘at’ the future, ‘í’ the present; thus í vetri in old writers means this winter; á vetri, last winter; at vetri, next winter, Eb. 68 (in a verse), etc.
    C. In various other relations, more or less metaphorically, on, upon, in, to, with, towards, against:
    I. denoting object, in respect of, against, almost periphrastically; dvelja á náðum e-s, under one’s protection, Fms. i. 74; hafa metnað á e-u, to be proud of, to take pride in a thing, 127.
    2. denoting a personal relation, in; bæta e-t á e-m, to make amends, i. e. to one personally; misgöra e-t á e-m, to inflict wrong on one; hafa elsku (hatr) á e-m, to bear love ( hatred) to one, Fms. ix. 242; hefna sín á e-m, to take revenge on one’s person, on anyone; rjúfa sætt á e-m, to break truce on the person of any one, to offend against his person, Nj. 103; hafa sár á sér, 101; sjá á e-m, to read on or in one’s face; sér hann á hverjum manni hvárt til þín er vel eðr illa, 106; var þat brátt auðséð á hennar högum, at …, it could soon be seen in all her doings, that …, Ld. 22.
    3. also generally to shew signs of a thing; sýna fáleika á sér, to shew marks of displeasure, Nj. 14, Fs. 14; taka vel, illa, lítt, á e-u, to take a thing well, ill, or indifferently, id.; finna á sér, to feel in oneself; fann lítt á honum, hvárt …, it could hardly be seen in his face, whether …, Eb. 42; líkindi eru á, it is likely, Ld. 172; göra kost á e-u, to give a choice, chance of it, 178; eiga vald á e-u, to have power over …, Nj. 10.
    II. denoting encumbrance, duty, liability; er fimtardómsmál á þeim, to be subject to …, Nj. 231; the phrase, hafa e-t á hendi, or vera á hendi e-m, on one’s hands, of work or duty to be done; eindagi á fé, term, pay day, Grág. i. 140; ómagi (skylda, afvinna) á fé, of a burden or encumbrance, D. I. and Grág. in several passages.
    III. with a personal pronoun, sér, mér, honum …, denoting personal appearance, temper, character, look, or the like; vera þungr, léttr … á sér, to be heavy or light, either bodily or mentally; þungr á sér, corpulent, Sturl. i. 112; kátr ok léttr á sér, of a gay and light temper, Fms. x. 152; þat bragð hafði hann á sér, he looked as if, … the expression of his face was as though …, Ld., cp. the mod. phrase, hafa á sér svip, bragð, æði, sið, of one’s manner or personal appearance, to bear oneself as, or the like; skjótr (seinn) á fæti, speedy ( slow) of foot, Nj. 258.
    IV. as a periphrasis of the possessive pronoun connected with the limbs or parts of the body. In common Icel. such phrases as my hands, eyes, head … are hardly ever used, but höfuð, eyru, hár, nef, munnr, hendr, fætr … á mér; so ‘í’ is used of the internal parts, e. g. hjarta, bein … í mér; the eyes are regarded as inside the body, augun í honum: also without the possessive pronoun, or as a periphrasis for a genitive, brjóstið á e-m, one’s breast, Nj. 95, Edda 15; súrnar í augum, it smarts in my eyes, my eyes smart, Nj. 202; kviðinn á sér, its belly, 655 xxx. 5, Fms. vi. 350; hendr á henni, her hands, Gísl. (in a verse); í vörunum á honum, on his lips, Band. 14; ristin á honum, his step, Fms. viii. 141; harðr í tungu, sharp of tongue, Hallfred (Fs. 114); kalt (heitt) á fingrum, höndum, fótum …, cold ( warm) in the fingers, hands, feet …, i. e. with cold fingers, etc.; cp. also the phrase, verða vísa (orð) á munni, of extemporising verses or speeches, freq. in the Sagas; fastr á fótum, fast by the leg, of a bondsman, Nj. 27: of the whole body, díla fundu þeir á honum, 209. The pers. pron. is used only in solemn style (poetry, hymns, the Bible), and perhaps only when influenced by foreign languages, e. g. mitt hjarta hví svo hryggist þú, as a translation of ‘warumb betrübst du dich mein Herz?’ the famous hymn by Hans Sachs; instead of the popular hjartað í mér, Sl. 43, 44: hjartað mitt is only used as a term of endearment, as by a husband to his wife, parents to their child, or the like, in a metaphorical sense; the heart proper is ‘í mér,’ not ‘mitt.’
    2. of other things, and as a periphrasis of a genitive, of a part belonging to the whole, e. g. dyrr á husi = húsdyrr, at the house-doors; turn á kirkju = kirkju turn; stafn, skutr, segl, árar … á skipi, the stem, stern, sail … of a ship, Fms. ix. 135; blöð á lauk, á tré …, leaves of a leek, of a tree …, Fas. i. 469; egg á sverði = sverðs egg; stafr á bók; kjölr á bók, and in endless other instances.
    V. denoting instrumentality, by, on, or a-, by means of; afla fjár á hólmgöngum, to make money a-duelling, by means of duels, Eg. 498; á verkum sínum, to subsist on one’s own work, Njarð. 366: as a law term, sekjast á e-ju, to be convicted upon …, Grág. i. 123; sekst maðr þar á sínu eigini ( a man is guilty in re sua), ef hann tekr af þeim manni er heimild ( possessio) hefir til, ii. 191; falla á verkum sínum, to be killed flagranti delicto, v. above; fella e-n á bragði, by a sleight in wrestling; komast undan á flótta, to escape by flight, Eg. 11; á hlaupi, by one’s feet, by speed, Hkr. ii. 168; lifa á e-u, to feed on; bergja á e-u, to taste of a thing; svala sér á e-u, to quench the thirst on.
    VI. with subst. numerals; á þriðja tigi manna, up to thirty, i. e. from about twenty to thirty, Ld. 194; á öðru hundraði skipa, from one to two hundred sail strong, Fms. x. 126; á níunda tigi, between eighty and ninety years of age, Eg. 764, v. above: used as prep., á hendi, on one’s hand, i. e. bound to do it, v. hönd.
    VII. in more or less adverbial phrases it may often be translated in Engl. by a participle and a- prefixed; á lopti, aloft; á floti, afloat; á lífi, alive; á verðgangi, a-begging; á brautu, away; á baki, a-back, behind, past; á milli, a-tween; á laun, alone, secretly; á launungu, id.; á móti, against; á enda, at an end, gone; á huldu, hidden; fara á hæli, to go a-heel, i. e. backwards, Fms. vii. 70;—but in many cases these phrases are transl. by the Engl. partic. with a, which is then perh. a mere prefix, not a prep., á flugi, a-flying in the air, Nj. 79; vera á gangi, a-going; á ferli, to be about; á leiki, a-playing, Fms. i. 78; á sundi, a-swimming, ii. 27; á verði, a-watching, x. 201; á hrakningi, a-wandering; á reiki, a-wavering; á skjálfi, a-shivering; á-hleri, a-listening; á tali, a-talking, Ísl. ii. 200; á hlaupi, a-running, Hkr. ii. 268; á verki, a-working; á veiðum, a-hunting; á fiski, a-fishing; á beit, grazing: and as a law term it even means in flagranti, N. G. L. i. 348.
    VIII. used absolutely without a case in reference to the air or the weather, where ‘á’ is almost redundant; þoka var á mikil, a thick fog came on, Nj. 267; niðamyrkr var á, pitch darkness came on, Eg. 210; allhvast á norðan, a very strong breeze from the north, Fms. ix. 20; þá var á norðrænt, a north wind came on, 42, Ld. 56; hvaðan sem á er, from whatever point the wind is; var á hríð veðrs, a snow storm came on, Nj. 282; görði á regn, rain came on, Fms. vi. 394, xi. 35, Ld. 156.
    A. Loc.
    I. denoting simple direction towards, esp. connected with verbs of motion, going, or the like; hann gékk á bergsnös, Eg. 389; á hamar, Fas. ii. 517.
    2. in phrases denoting direction; liggja á útborða, lying on the outside of the ship, Eg. 354; á annat borð skipinu, Fms. vii. 260; á bæði borð, on both sides of the ship, Nj. 124, Ld. 56; á tvær hliðar, on both sides, Fms. v. 73. Ísl. ii. 159; á hlið, sidewards; út á hlið, Nj. 262, Edda 44; á aðra hönd henni, Nj. 50, Ld. 46; höggva á tvær hendr, to hew or strike right and left, Ísl. ii. 368, Fas. i. 384, Fms. viii. 363, x. 383.
    3. upp á, upon; hann tók augu Þjaza ok kastaði upp á himin, Edda 47: with verbs denoting to look, see, horfa, sjá, líta, etc.; hann rak skygnur á land, he cast glances towards the land, Ld. 154.
    II. denoting direction with or without the idea of arriving:
    1. with verbs denoting to aim at; of a blow or thrust, stefna á fótinn, Nj. 84; spjótið stefnir á hann miðjan, 205: of the wind, gékk veðrit á vestr, the wind veered to west, Fms. ix. 28; sigla á haf, to stand out to sea, Hkr. i. 146, Fms. i. 39: with ‘út’ added, Eg. 390, Fms. x. 349.
    2. conveying the notion of arriving, or the intervening space being traversed; spjótið kom á miðjan skjöldinn, Eg. 379, Nj. 96, 97; langt upp á land, far up inland, Hkr. i. 146: to reach, taka ofan á belti, of the long locks of a woman, to reach down to the belt, Nj. 2; ofan á bringu, 48; á þa ofan, 91.
    III. without reference to the space traversed, connected with verbs denoting to go, turn, come, ride, sail, throw, or the like, motion of every kind; hann kastar honum á völlinn, he flings him down, Nj. 91; hlaupa á skip sitt, to leap on board his ship, 43; á hest, to mount quickly, Edda 75; á lend hestinum, Nj. 91; hann gengr á sáðland sitt, he walks on to his fields, 82: on, upon, komast á fætr, to get upon one’s legs, 92; ganga á land, to go a-shore, Fms. i. 40; ganga á þing, vii. 242, Grág. (often); á skóg, á merkr ok skóga, into a wood, Fb. i. 134, 257, Fms. xi. 118, Eg. 577, Nj. 130; fara á Finnmörk, to go travelling in Finmark, Fms. i. 8; koma, fara á bæ, to arrive at the farm-house; koma á veginn, Eg. 578; stíga á bát, skip, to go on board, 158; hann gékk upp á borg, he went up to the burg (castle), 717; en er þeir komu á loptriðið, 236; hrinda skipum á vatn, to float the ships down into the water, Fms. i. 58; reka austr á haf, to drift eastwards on the sea, x. 145; ríða ofan á, to ride down or over, Nj. 82.
    IV. in some cases the acc. is used where the dat. would be used, esp. with verbs denoting to see or hear, in such phrases as, þeir sá boða mikinn inn á fjörðinn, they saw great breakers away up in the bight of the firth, the acc. being due perhaps to a motion or direction of the eye or ear towards the object, Nj. 124; sá þeir fólkit á land, they saw the people in the direction of land, Fas. ii. 517: in phrases denoting to be placed, to sit, to be seated, the seat or bench is freq. in the acc. where the dat. would now be used; konungr var þar á land upp, the king was then up the country, the spectator or narrator is conceived as looking from the shore or sea-side, Nj. 46; sitja á miðjan bekk, to be seated on the middle bench, 50; skyldi konungs sæti vera á þann bekk … annat öndvegi var á hinn úæðra pall; hann setti konungs hásæti á miðjan þverpall, Fms. vi. 439, 440, cp. Fagrsk. l. c., Sturl. iii. 182; eru víða fjallbygðir upp á mörkina, in the mark or forest, Eg. 58; var þar mörk mikil á land upp, 229; mannsafnaðr er á land upp (viewed from the sea), Ld. 76; stóll var settr á mótið, Fas. i. 58; beiða fars á skip, to beg a passage, Grág. i. 90.
    V. denoting parts of the body; bíta e-n á barka, to bite one in the throat, Ísl. ii. 447; skera á háls, to cut the throat of any one, Nj. 156; brjóta e-n á háls, to break any one’s neck; brjóta e-n á bak, to break any one’s back, Fms. vii. 119; kalinn á kné, frozen to the knees with cold, Hm. 3.
    VI. denoting round; láta reipi á háls hesti, round his horse’s neck, 623. 33; leggja söðul á hest, Nj. 83; and ellipt., leggja á, to saddle; breiða feld á hofuð sér, to wrap a cloak over his head, 164; reyta á sik mosa, to gather moss to cover oneself with, 267; spenna hring á hönd, á fingr, Eg. 300.
    VII. denoting a burden; stela mat á tvá hesta, hey á fimtán hesta, i. e. a two, a fifteen horse load, Nj. 74: metaph., kjósa feigð á menn, to choose death upon them, i. e. doom them to death, Edda 22.
    B. TEMP.
    I. of a period of time, at, to; á morgun, to-morrow (í morgun now means the past morning, the morning of to-day), Ísl. ii. 333.
    II. if connected with the word day, ‘á’ is now used before a fixed or marked day, a day of the week, a feast day, or the like; á Laugardag, á Sunnudag …, on Saturday, Sunday, the Old Engl. a-Sunday, a-Monday, etc.; á Jóladaginn, Páskadaginn, on Yule and Easter-day; but in old writers more often used ellipt. Sunnudaginn, Jóladaginn …, by dropping the prep. ‘á,’ Fms. viii. 397, Grág. i. 18.
    III. connected with ‘dagr’ with the definite article suffixed, ‘á’ denotes a fixed, recurring period or season, in; á daginn, during the day-time, every day in turn, Grett. 91 A.
    IV. connected with ‘evening, morning, the seasons,’ with the article; á kveldit, every evening, Ld. 14; á sumarit, every summer, Vd. 128, where the new Ed. Fs. 51 reads sumrum; á haust, every autumn, Eg. 741 (perh. a misprint instead of á haustin or á haustum); á vetrinn, in the winter time, 710; á várit, every spring, Gþl. 347; the sing., however, is very rare in such cases, the old as well as mod. usage prefers the plur.; á nætrnar, by night, Nj. 210; á várin, Eg. 710; á sumrin, haustin, á morgnana, in the morning (á morgin, sing., means to-morrow); á kveldin, in the evening, only ‘dagr’ is used in sing., v. above (á daginn, not á dagana); but elliptically and by dropping the article, Icelanders say, kveld og morgna, nótt og dag, vetr sumar vor og haust, in the same sense as those above mentioned.
    V. denoting duration, the article is dropped in the negative phrase, aldri á sinn dag, never during one’s life; aldri á mína daga, never in my life, Bjarn. 8, where a possess. pron. is put between noun and prep., but this phrase is very rare. Such phrases as, á þann dag, that day, and á þenna dag, Stj. 12, 655 xxx. 2. 20, are unclassical.
    VI. á dag without article can only be used in a distributive sense, e. g. tvisvar á dag, twice a-day; this use is at present freq. in Icel., yet instances from old writers are not on record.
    VII. denoting a movement onward in time, such as, liðið á nótt, dag, kveld, morgun, sumar, vetr, vár, haust (or nóttina, daginn …), jól, páska, föstu, or the like, far on in the night, day …, Edda 33; er á leið vetrinn, when the winter was well on, as the winter wore on, Nj. 126; cp. áliðinn: also in the phrase, hniginn á inn efra aldr, well stricken in years, Ld. 68.
    C. Metaph. and in various relations:
    I. somewhat metaphorically, denoting an act only (not the place); fara á fund, á vit e-s, to call for one, Eg. 140; koma á ræðu við e-n, to come to a parley with, to speak, 173; ganga á tal, Nj. 103; skora á hólm, to challenge to a duel on an island; koma á grið, to enter into a service, to be domiciled, Grág. i. 151; fara á veiðar, to go a-hunting, Fms. i. 8.
    β. generally denoting on, upon, in, to; bjóða vöxtu á féit, to offer interest on the money, Grág. i. 198; ganga á berhögg, to come to blows, v. berhögg; fá á e-n, to make an impression upon one, Nj. 79; ganga á vápn e-s, to throw oneself on an enemy’s weapon, meet him face to face, Rd. 310; ganga á lagið, to press on up the spear-shaft after it has passed through one so as to get near one’s foe, i. e. to avail oneself of the last chance; bera fé á e-n, to bribe, Nj. 62; bera öl á e-n, to make drunk, Fas. i. 13; snúinn á e-t, inclined to, Fms. x. 142; sammælast á e-t, to agree upon, Nj. 86; sættast, verða sáttr á e-t, in the same sense, to come to an agreement, settlement, or atonement, 78, Edda 15, Eb. 288, Ld. 50, Fms. i. 279; ganga á mála, to serve for pay as a soldier, Nj. 121; ganga á vald e-s, to put oneself in his power, 267; ganga á sætt, to break an agreement; vega á veittar trygðir, to break truce, Grág. ii. 169.
    II. denoting in regard to, in respect to:
    1. of colour, complexion, the hue of the hair, or the like; hvítr, jarpr, dökkr … á hár, having white, brown, or dark … hair, Ísl. ii. 190, Nj. 39; svartr á brún ok brá, dark of brow and eyebrow; dökkr á hörund, id., etc.
    2. denoting skill, dexterity; hagr á tré, a good carpenter; hagr á járn, málm, smíðar …, an expert worker in iron, metals …, Eg. 4; fimr á boga, good at the bow: also used of mastership in science or arts, meistari á hörpuslátt, a master in striking the harp, Fas. iii. 220; fræðimaðr á kvæði, knowing many poems by heart, Fms. vi. 391; fræðimaðr á landnámssögur ok forna fræði, a learned scholar in histories and antiquities (of Are Frode), Ísl. ii. 189; mikill á íþrótt, skilful in an art, Edda (pref.) 148; but dat. in the phrase, kunna (vel) á skíðum, to be a cunning skater, Fms. i. 9, vii. 120.
    3. denoting dimensions; á hæð, lengd, breidd, dýpt …, in the heighth, length, breadth, depth …, Eg. 277; á hvern veg, on each side, Edda 41 (square miles); á annan veg, on the one side, Grág. i. 89.
    β. the phrase, á sik, in regard to oneself, vel (illa) á sik kominn, of a fine ( ugly) appearance, Ld. 100, Fas. iii. 74.
    III. denoting instrumentality; bjargast á sínar hendr, to live on the work of one’s own hands, (á sínar spýtur is a mod. phrase in the same sense); (vega) á skálir, pundara, to weigh in scales, Grág. ii. 370; at hann hefði tvá pundara, ok hefði á hinn meira keypt en á hinn minna selt, of a man using two scales, a big one for buying and a little one for selling, Sturl. i. 91; á sinn kostnað, at one’s own expense; nefna e-n á nafn, by name, Grág. i. 17, etc. The Icel. also say, spinna á rokk, snældu, to spin on or with a rock or distaff; mala á kvern, to grind in a ‘querne,’ where Edda 73 uses dat.; esp. of musical instruments, syngja, leika á hljóðfæri, hörpu, gígju …; in the old usage, leika hörpu …, Stj. 458.
    IV. denoting the manner or way of doing:
    1. á þessa lund, in this wise, Grág. ii. 22; á marga vega, á alla, ymsa vega, in many, all, respects, Fms. i. 114; á sitt hóf, in its turn, respectively, Ld. 136, where the context shews that the expression answers to the Lat. mutatis mutandis; á Þýðersku, after German fashion, Sks. 288.
    2. esp. of language; mæla, rita á e-a tungu, to speak, write in a tongue; á Írsku, in Irish, Ld. 76; Norrænu, in Norse, Eb. 330, Vm. 35; a Danska tungu, in Danish, i. e. Scandinavian, Norse, or Icelandic, Grág. i. 18; á Vára tungu, i. e. in Icelandic, 181; rita á Norræna tungu, to write in Norse, Hkr. (pref.), Bs. i. 59:—at present, dat. is sometimes used.
    3. in some phrases the acc. is used instead of the dat.; hann sýndi á sik mikit gaman, Fms. x. 329; hann lét ekki á sik finna, he shewed no sign of motion, Nj. 111; skaltú önga fáleika á þik gera (Cod. Kalf.), 14.
    V. used in a distributive sense; skal mörk kaupa gæzlu á kú, eðr oxa fim vetra gamlan, a mark for every cow, Grág. i. 147; alin á hvert hross, 442; á mann, per man (now freq.): cp. also á dag above, lit. B.
    VI. connected with nouns,
    1. prepositional; á hendr (with dat.), against; á hæla, at heel, close behind; á bak, at back, i. e. past, after; á vit (with gen.), towards.
    2. adverbially; á braut, away, abroad; á víxl, in turns; á mis, amiss; á víð ok dreif, a-wide and a-drift, i. e. dispersedly.
    3. used almost redundantly before the following prep.; á eptir, after, behind; á undan, in front of; á meðal, á milli, among; á mót, against; á við, about, alike; á frá (cp. Swed. ifrån), from (rare); á fyrir = fyrir, Haustl. 1; á hjá, beside (rare); á fram, a-head, forwards; á samt, together; ávalt = of allt, always: following a prep., upp á, upon; niðr á, down upon; ofan á, eptir á, post eventum, (temp.) á eptir is loc., id., etc.
    VII. connected with many transitive verbs, answering to the Lat. ad- or in-, in composition, in many cases periphrastically for an objective case. The prep. generally follows after the verb, instead of being prefixed to it as in Lat., and answers to the Engl. on, to; heita kalla, hrópa á, to call on; heyra, hlusta, hlyða á, to hearken to, listen to; hyggja, hugsa á, to think on; minna á, to remind; sjá, líta, horfa, stara, mæna, glápa, koma auga … á, to look on; girnast á, to wish for; trúa á, to believe on; skora á, to call on any one to come out, challenge; kæra á, to accuse; heilsa á, to greet; herja, ganga, ríða, hlaupa, ráða … á, to fall on, attack, cp. ágangr, áreið, áhlaup; ljúga á, to tell lies of, to slander; telja á, to carp at; ausa, tala, hella, kasta, verpa … á, to pour, throw on; ríða, bera, dreifa á, to sprinkle on; vanta, skorta á, to fall short of; ala á, to plead, beg; leggja á, to throw a spell on, lay a saddle on; hætta á, to venture on; gizka á, to guess at; kveða á, to fix on, etc.: in a reciprocal sense, haldast á, of mutual strife; sendast á, to exchange presents; skrifast á, to correspond (mod.); kallast á, to shout mutually; standast á, to coincide, so as to be just opposite one another, etc.
    f. [Lat. aqua; Goth. ahva; Hel. aha; A. S. eâ; O. H. G. aha, owa; cp. Germ. ach and aue; Fr. eau, eaux; Engl. Ax-, Ex-, etc., in names of places; Swed.-Dan. å; the Scandinavians absorb the hu, so that only a single vowel or diphthong remains of the whole word]:—a river. The old form in nom. dat. acc. sing. is , v. the introduction to A, page 1, Bs. i. 333 sq., where ́n, ́ (acc.), and ́na; so also Greg. 677; the old fragm. of Grág. ii. 222, 223, new Ed. In the Kb. of the Edda the old form occurs twice, viz. page 75, ́na (acc.), (but two lines below, ána), í ́nni (dat.) The old form also repeatedly occurs in the Kb. and Sb. of the Grág., e. g. ii. 266, 267: gen. sing. ár; nom. pl. ár, gen. á contracted, dat. ám, obsolete form ́m; Edda 43, Eg. 80, 99, 133, 185: proverbs, at ósi skal á stemma, answering to the Lat. principiis obsta, Edda 60; hér kemr á til sæfar, here the river runs into the sea, metaph. = this is the very end, seems to have been a favourite ending of old poems; it is recorded in the Húsdrápa and the Norðsetadrápa, v. Edda 96, Skálda 198; cp. the common saying, oil vötn renna til sævar, ‘all waters run into the sea.’ Rivers with glacier water are in Icel. called Hvítá, White river, or Jökulsá: Hitá, Hot river, from a hot spring, opp. to Kaldá, v. Landn.: others take a name from the fish in them, as Laxá, Lax or Salmon river (freq.); Örriða á, etc.: a tributary river is þverá, etc.: ár in the Njála often means the great rivers Ölfusá and Þjórsá in the south of Iceland. Áin helga, a river in Sweden, Hkr. ii: á is also suffixed to the names of foreign rivers, Tempsá = Thames; Dóná, Danube (Germ. Don-au), (mod.), etc. Vide Edda (Gl.) 116, 117, containing the names of over a hundred North-English and Scottish rivers.
    COMPDS: áráll, árbakki, árbrot, ardjúp, árfarvegr, árfors, árgljúfr, árhlutr, ármegin, árminni, ármót, áróss, árreki, árstraumr, árströnd, árvað, árvegr, árvöxtr.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > Á

  • 10 heel

    I. 1. пета
    to tread on someone's HEELs настъпвам някого (и прен.)
    2. ток, форт (на обувка), пета (на чорап)
    French HEELs тънки/високи токчета
    down at (the) HEEL (s) с протрити токове, подпетен (за обувка), прен. бедно облечен, дрипав, окаян
    out at HEEL със скъсани пети (за чорапи), прен. нуждаещ се, беден
    3. заден крак на животно, шип (на подкова), шпора
    the horse flings out its HEELs конят хвърля къч
    4. кора, крайщник (на хляб и пр.)
    5. стр. долна част на мертек/ребро/стълба
    6. ръб, долен край (и на мачта), долна/крайна/задна част, надебелен край (на колем за разсад)
    7. сп. закривена част на пръчка за голф, заден край на ска
    8. sl. мръсник, мерзавец, гад
    under the HEEL of под ботуша на
    the iron HEEL иго, робство
    to be at/on/upon someone's HEELs вървя по петите на някого, вървя/следвам непосредствено след някого
    to come to HEEL вървя по петите на господаря си (за куче), прен. подчинявам се. свивам си опашката
    to bring someone to HEEL заставям някого да се подчини, подчинявам някого
    to cool/kick one's HEELs вися, чакам, губя си времето в чакане
    to dig/stick one's HEELs in заемам твърда позиция/становище, съпротивлявам се решително
    to show a clean pair of HEELs, to take to one's HEELs офейквам, избягвам, духвам, плюя си на петите
    to turn on one's HEEL завъртам се кръгом (и си отивам)
    to lay/set/clap by the HEELs задържам, арестувам, хвърлям в затвор, прен. събарям, повалям
    II. 1. слагам токове/капачета (на обувки), наплитам пети (на чорапи)
    2. следвам по петите на
    3. Тракам с токовете (при танц)
    4. ам. удрям, ръгам (кон)
    5. голф удрям топката (със закривената част на пръчката)
    6. футб. ритам (топкаща) назад с петата
    7. разг., главно в рр доставям (пари, оръжия) някому
    III. v мор. получавам крен, килвам (се)
    IV. n мор. ъгъл на наклоняването, крен
    * * *
    {'hi:l} n 1. пета; to tread on s.o.'s heels настъпвам някого (и пре(2) {'hi:l} v 1. слагам токове/капачета (на обувки), наплитам пе{3} {'hi:l} v мор. получавам крен, килвам (се).{4} {'hi:l} n мор. ъгъл на наклоняването, крен.
    * * *
    шип; шпора; ток; пета; килвам; наклонявам; наклоняване;
    * * *
    1. down at (the) heel (s) с протрити токове, подпетен (за обувка), прен. бедно облечен, дрипав, окаян 2. french heels тънки/високи токчета 3. i. пета 4. ii. слагам токове/капачета (на обувки), наплитам пети (на чорапи) 5. iii. v мор. получавам крен, килвам (се) 6. iv. n мор. ъгъл на наклоняването, крен 7. out at heel със скъсани пети (за чорапи), прен. нуждаещ се, беден 8. sl. мръсник, мерзавец, гад 9. the horse flings out its heels конят хвърля къч 10. the iron heel иго, робство 11. to be at/on/upon someone's heels вървя по петите на някого, вървя/следвам непосредствено след някого 12. to bring someone to heel заставям някого да се подчини, подчинявам някого 13. to come to heel вървя по петите на господаря си (за куче), прен. подчинявам се. свивам си опашката 14. to cool/kick one's heels вися, чакам, губя си времето в чакане 15. to dig/stick one's heels in заемам твърда позиция/становище, съпротивлявам се решително 16. to lay/set/clap by the heels задържам, арестувам, хвърлям в затвор, прен. събарям, повалям 17. to show a clean pair of heels, to take to one's heels офейквам, избягвам, духвам, плюя си на петите 18. to tread on someone's heels настъпвам някого (и прен.) 19. to turn on one's heel завъртам се кръгом (и си отивам) 20. under the heel of под ботуша на 21. Тракам с токовете (при танц) 22. ам. удрям, ръгам (кон) 23. голф удрям топката (със закривената част на пръчката) 24. заден крак на животно, шип (на подкова), шпора 25. кора, крайщник (на хляб и пр.) 26. разг., главно в рр доставям (пари, оръжия) някому 27. ръб, долен край (и на мачта), долна/крайна/задна част, надебелен край (на колем за разсад) 28. следвам по петите на 29. сп. закривена част на пръчка за голф, заден край на ска 30. стр. долна част на мертек/ребро/стълба 31. ток, форт (на обувка), пета (на чорап) 32. футб. ритам (топкаща) назад с петата
    * * *
    heel [hi:l] I. n 1. пета; to be hard ( hot, close) on s.o.'s \heels по петите съм на някого; следвам плътно, не изоставам от (и в съревнование); under the \heel of the invader под ботуша на нашественика; the iron \heel иго, робство; the iron \heel of war бичът на войната; Achilles' \heel ахилесова пета; прен. уязвимо (слабо) място; to be at \heel вървя непосредствено след господаря си (за куче); to come to \heel идвам при господаря си (за куче); прен. подчинявам се; свивам си опашката; to bring ( call) s.o. to \heel заставям някого да се подчини, подчинявам някого; to tread on s.o.'s \heels настъпвам някого (и прен.); disasters come treading on each other's \heels нещастията следват едно след друго; to cool ( kick) o.'s \heels стоя и чакам; чакам с нетърпение; to dig in o.'s \heels заемам твърда позиция (становище); to fling ( pick up) o.'s \heels, to show a clean pair of \heels, to take to o.'s \heels офейквам, избягвам, "духвам", плюя си на петите; set ( rock) s.o. back on their \heels хващам неподготвен; изненадвам, шокирам; head over \heels презглава, наопаки; \heels over head in love влюбен до уши; to set o.'s \heels upon потъпквам, потушавам; to turn on o.'s \heels завъртам се кръгом си отивам); to kick up o.'s \heels (под)скачам от радост; to kick up o.'s \heels, to lay ( tip, topple) up o.'s \heels умирам, вирвам петалата; to kick up o.'s \heels sl танцувам, веселя се; 2. ток (на обувка); пета (на чорап); \heelcap форт (на обувка); French \heels тънки високи токчета; to wear medium \heels нося (обувки със) среден ток; down at \heels с протрити токове, подпетени (за обувки); прен. бедно облечен; жалък, неугледен, запуснат; out at \heel със скъсани пети (за чорап); прен. нуждаещ се, беден, сиромах; 3. заден крак на животно; шип (на подкова); шпора, махмуз; the horse flings out its \heels конят хвърля къч; 4. кора; край (на хляб и пр.); 5. строит. основа (долна част) на мертеци (ребра); 6. ръб, долен край; долна (крайна, задна) част; надебелен край (на калем за разсад); 7. сп. закривена част на стик за голф; 8. ам. sl мръсник, вагабонтин, мерзавец, гад; 9. мор. шпора, пета (на мачта); 10. хидр. пета на воден откос на язовирна стена; 11. жп сърце на стрелка; II. v 1. слагам пети (токове) на; 2. преследвам (следвам) по петите, плътно съм до него ( прен.); 3. тракам с токовете (при танц); 4. сп. удрям (топката) със закривената част на стика за голф; 5.: to \heel in заравям временно корените (на растения, преди да се засадят окончателно). III. v мор. наклонявам (се), навеждам (се); килвам (се) ( over); IV. n мор. наклоняване (килване) на кораб встрани; ъгъл на наклоняването.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > heel

  • 11 fling

    1. noun
    1) (fig.): (attempt)

    have a fling at something, give something a fling — es mit etwas versuchen

    2) (fig.): (indulgence)
    2. transitive verb,

    fling back one's headden Kopf zurückwerfen

    fling something away(lit. or fig.) etwas fortwerfen

    fling on one's jacket — [sich (Dat.)] die Jacke überwerfen

    2) (fig.)

    fling somebody into jailjemanden ins Gefängnis werfen

    fling caution to the winds/fling aside one's scruples — alle Vorsicht/seine Skrupel über Bord werfen

    3. reflexive verb,

    fling oneself in front of/upon or on to something — sich vor/auf etwas (Akk.) werfen

    2) (fig.)

    fling oneself into somethingsich in etwas (Akk.) stürzen

    * * *
    [fliŋ] 1. past tense, past participle - flung; verb
    1) (to throw with great force: He flung a brick through the window.) schleudern
    2) (to rush: He flung out of the house.) stürzen
    2. noun
    (a lively Scottish dance: They danced a Highland fling.) schottischer Tanz
    * * *
    1. ( also fig: throw) [mit Schwung [o Wucht] ausgeführter] Wurf
    to give sth a \fling (throw) etw werfen; ( fig: give up) etw hinwerfen [o fam hinschmeißen
    2. ( fig: try) Versuch m
    to give sth a \fling [or to take a \fling at [doing] sth] es mit etw dat versuchen
    to take a \fling at a novel/writing sich akk an einem Roman/als Schriftsteller versuchen
    3. (fig, usu euph fam: good time) ausgelassene [o wilde] Zeit oft euph
    to have a [or one's] \fling ausgelassen [o wild] feiern, einen draufmachen fam
    4. (fig, usu euph fam: relationship)
    to have a \fling with sb mit jdm etw haben euph fam
    I had a few \flings in my younger days als ich noch jünger war, hatte ich ein paar Geschichten
    5. SCOT (dance)
    Highland F\fling Schottentanz m
    II. vt
    <flung, flung>
    to \fling sb/sth jdn/etw werfen [o schleudern]
    could you \fling the paper over here? könntest du mal die Zeitung rüberwerfen?
    to \fling a door/window open eine Tür/ein Fenster aufstoßen [o aufreißen]
    to \fling sb to the ground jdn zu Boden werfen
    to \fling sb into prison jdn ins Gefängnis werfen [o fam stecken
    2. (move part of body)
    to \fling sth etw werfen
    they flung their arms [a]round each other sie sind sich [o einander] um den Hals gefallen
    to \fling one's arms round sb's neck jdm die Arme um den Hals werfen
    to \fling one's head back den Kopf in den Nacken werfen
    to \fling oneself at sb/sth sich akk auf jdn/etw stürzen
    to \fling oneself at sb's feet sich akk vor jds Füße werfen
    to \fling oneself into sth sich akk in etw akk werfen [o fallen lassen]
    she flung herself into bed sie ließ sich ins Bett fallen
    to \fling oneself in front of a train sich akk vor einen Zug werfen
    to \fling sth at sb accusations, insults jdm etw entgegenschleudern [o an den Kopf werfen]
    to \fling sth in sb's teeth jdm etw an den Kopf werfen [o ins Gesicht sagen
    to \fling oneself into sth sich akk in [o auf] etw akk stürzen
    to \fling oneself at sb sich akk jdm an den Hals werfen pej fam
    * * *
    [flɪŋ] vb: pret, ptp flung
    1. n
    1) (= act of flinging) Wurf m, Schleudern nt no pl
    2) (fig inf) Anlauf m

    to give sth a flingsich an etw (dat) versuchen, etw (aus)probieren

    3) (inf

    = relationship) to have a fling (with sb) — eine Affäre (mit jdm) haben, etwas mit jdm haben (inf)

    = Highland fling
    2. vt (lit, fig)

    to fling one's arms round sb's neck —

    to fling a coat round one's shoulderssich (dat) einen Mantel über die Schulter(n) werfen

    to fling oneself out of the window/off a bridge — sich aus dem Fenster/von einer Brücke stürzen

    to fling oneself into a chair/to the ground — sich in einen Sessel/auf den Boden werfen

    * * *
    fling [flıŋ]
    A s
    1. Wurf m:
    give sth a fling etwas wegwerfen;
    (at) full fling mit voller Wucht
    2. Ausschlagen n (des Pferdes)
    3. a) Flirt m
    b) Beziehung f:
    just the usual flings nur das Übliche;
    it was just a fling es war nichts Ernstes;
    have one’s ( oder a) fling sich austoben, (einmalig auch) auf den Putz hauen, über die Stränge schlagen, (über einen längeren Zeitraum auch) sich die Hörner abstoßen
    4. umg Versuch m:
    have ( oder take) a fling at sth es mit etwas versuchen oder probieren
    5. fig Hieb m, Stichelei f:
    have ( oder take) a fling at sb gegen jemanden sticheln
    B v/t prät und pperf flung [flʌŋ]
    1. etwas werfen, schleudern ( beide:
    at nach):
    fling open (to) eine Tür etc aufreißen (zuschlagen);
    she flung him an angry look sie warf ihm einen wütenden Blick zu;
    fling one’s arms (a)round sb’s neck jemandem die Arme um den Hals werfen, jemandem um den Hals fallen;
    fling o.s. at sb
    a) sich auf jemanden werfen oder stürzen,
    b) fig sich jemandem an den Hals werfen;
    fling o.s. into sb’s arms sich jemandem in die Arme werfen (a. fig);
    fling o.s. into a chair sich in einen Sessel werfen;
    fling o.s. into sth fig sich in oder auf eine Sache stürzen;
    fling sb into prison jemanden ins Gefängnis werfen; academic.ru/75559/tooth">tooth A 1, wind1 A 1
    2. poet aussenden, -strahlen, -strömen
    3. a) eine Bemerkung etc heraus-, hervorstoßen
    b) fling off A 5
    C v/i
    1. eilen, stürzen ( beide:
    out of the room aus dem Zimmer)
    2. oft fling out ausschlagen (at nach) (Pferd)
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (fig.): (attempt)

    have a fling at something, give something a fling — es mit etwas versuchen

    2) (fig.): (indulgence)
    2. transitive verb,

    fling something away(lit. or fig.) etwas fortwerfen

    fling on one's jacket — [sich (Dat.)] die Jacke überwerfen

    2) (fig.)

    fling caution to the winds/fling aside one's scruples — alle Vorsicht/seine Skrupel über Bord werfen

    3. reflexive verb,

    fling oneself in front of/upon or on to something — sich vor/auf etwas (Akk.) werfen

    2) (fig.)
    * * *
    (§ p.,p.p.: flung)
    = schleudern v.
    werfen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: warf, geworfen)

    English-german dictionary > fling

  • 12 fling

    [flɪŋ] n
    1) (a. fig: throw) [mit Schwung [o Wucht] ausgeführter] Wurf;
    to give sth a \fling ( throw) etw werfen;
    (fig: give up) etw hinwerfen [o ( fam) hinschmeißen];
    2) (fig: try) Versuch m;
    to give sth a \fling [or to take a \fling at [doing] sth] es mit etw dat versuchen;
    to take a \fling at a novel/ writing sich akk an einem Roman/als Schriftsteller versuchen;
    3) (fig, usu euph fam: good time) ausgelassene [o wilde] Zeit ( oft euph)
    to have a [or one's] \fling ausgelassen [o wild] feiern, einen draufmachen ( fam)
    4) (fig, usu euph fam: relationship)
    to have a \fling with sb mit jdm etw haben ( euph) ( fam)
    I had a few \flings in my younger days als ich noch jünger war, hatte ich ein paar Geschichten
    5) ( Scot) ( dance)
    Highland F\fling Schottentanz m vt <flung, flung>
    1) ( throw)
    to \fling sb/ sth jdn/etw werfen [o schleudern];
    could you \fling the paper over here? könntest du mal die Zeitung 'rüberwerfen?;
    to \fling a door/ window open eine Tür/ein Fenster aufstoßen [o aufreißen];
    to \fling sb to the ground jdn zu Boden werfen;
    to \fling sb into prison jdn ins Gefängnis werfen [o ( fam) stecken];
    to \fling sth etw werfen;
    they flung their arms [a]round each other sie sind sich [o einander] um den Hals gefallen;
    to \fling one's arms round sb's neck jdm die Arme um den Hals werfen;
    to \fling one's head back den Kopf in den Nacken werfen
    3) (fam: move violently)
    to \fling oneself at sb/ sth sich akk auf jdn/etw stürzen;
    to \fling oneself at sb's feet sich akk vor jds Füße mpl werfen;
    to \fling oneself into sth sich akk in etw akk werfen [o fallen lassen];
    she flung herself into bed sie ließ sich ins Bett fallen;
    to \fling oneself in front of a train sich akk vor einen Zug werfen;
    4) (fig pej: express)
    to \fling sth at sb accusations, insults jdm etw entgegenschleudern [o an den Kopf werfen];
    to \fling sth in sb's teeth jdm etw an den Kopf werfen [o ins Gesicht sagen];
    5) (fig: get involved)
    to \fling oneself into sth sich akk in [o auf] etw akk stürzen;
    to \fling oneself at sb sich akk jdm an den Hals werfen ( pej) ( fam)

    English-German students dictionary > fling

  • 13 STONE

    • Constant dripping (dropping) wears away a stone - Капля и камень долбит (K)
    • Falling drops at last will wear the stone (The) - Капля и камень долбит (K)
    • He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone - Пусть первым бросит камень, кто безгрешен (П)
    • He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her - Пусть первым бросит камень, кто безгрешен (П)
    • It's a steady stream that wears a stone - Капля и камень долбит (K)
    • Let him that is without sin cast the first stone - Пусть первым бросит камень, кто безгрешен (П)
    • Little stone may upset a large cart (A) - Москва от копеечной свечки сгорела (M)
    • Man who flings a stone up a mountain may have it rolled back upon himself (The) - Себя жалеючи, кверху не плюй (C)
    • Never take a stone to break an egg, when you can do it with the back of your knife - Из пушки по воробьям не стреляют (H)
    • People living in glass houses should not throw stones - Других не суди, на себя погляди (Д)
    • People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones - Других не суди, на себя погляди (Д)
    • Spit on a (the) stone, /and/ it will be wet at last - Капля и камень долбит (K)
    • Stone that lies not in your gate breaks not your toe (The) - Не суй свой нос в чужой вопрос (H)
    • Stone that may fit in a wall is never left by the way (A) - Всякая тряпица в три года пригодится (B)

    Русско-английский словарь пословиц и поговорок > STONE

  • 14 Г-436

    ОБЛИВАть/облить (ПОЛИВАТЬ/ПОлить) ГРЯЗЬЮ (ПОМОЯМИ coll) кого ЛИТЬ ГРЯЗЬ ( ПОМОИ coll) на кого disapprov VP subj: human to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations ( usu. unjust) against s.o.: X обливает Y-a грязью - X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y X covers Yb name in mud (dirt) X heaps abuse on Y X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
    ...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: «Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества» (Солженицын 2)....Even lass had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
    Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > Г-436

  • 15 лить грязь

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > лить грязь

  • 16 лить помои

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > лить помои

  • 17 обливать грязью

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > обливать грязью

  • 18 обливать помоями

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > обливать помоями

  • 19 облить грязью

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > облить грязью

  • 20 облить помоями

    [VP; subj: human]
    to disgrace, defame s.o. unjustly, bring accusations (usu. unjust) against s.o.:
    - X обливает Y-а грязью X throws (slings, flings) mud (dirt) at Y;
    - X besmirches Y's reputation (good name).
         ♦...Даже TACCy пришлось отзываться - но как же отозваться на мой призыв молодёжи - не лгать, а выстаивать мужественно? Вот как: "Солженицын обливает грязью советскую молодёжь, что у неё нет мужества" (Солженицын 2)....Even Tkss had to take notice-but how could it respond to my exhortation to the young not to lie, but to stand up for the truth courageously? This was how: "Solzhenitsyn slings mud at the young Soviet generation, accuses them of lacking courage" (2a).
         ♦ Откройте любой лист газеты того времени, и вы увидите, как часто завтрашние жертвы, чтобы спастись, обливали грязью жертвы сегодняшнего дня (Гладков 1). Look at any newspaper from those days and you will see how tomorrow's victims, trying to save their own skins, heaped abuse on today's (1a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > облить помоями

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